C O L L E C T I V E  A G R E E M E N T  2023-2028 >>>

APTS and Québec government sign agreement to widen access to incentive premium for Outaouais medical imaging technologists - APTS


APTS and Québec government sign agreement to widen access to incentive premium for Outaouais medical imaging technologists

The APTS welcomes the reelection of Éric Gingras as CSQ president - APTS


The APTS welcomes the reelection of Éric Gingras as CSQ president

Additional indexation of RREGOP pension benefits |  government responds favourably to unions’ and pensioners’ request - APTS


Additional indexation of RREGOP pension benefits | government responds favourably to unions’ and pensioners’ request

May Day march | International Workers’ Day: United to make our voices heard - APTS


May Day march | International Workers’ Day: United to make our voices heard

Whistleblower protection  | It’s time to abolish the code of silence in the health and social services system - APTS


Whistleblower protection | It’s time to abolish the code of silence in the health and social services system

2023 Convention: Robert Comeau reelected as APTS president - APTS


2023 Convention: Robert Comeau reelected as APTS president

Compensation for biomedical engineering technical coordinators and executive assistants | Government stubbornly committed to acting in bad faith - APTS


Compensation for biomedical engineering technical coordinators and executive assistants | Government stubbornly committed to acting in bad faith

Health and social service contract talks | Unions sharply critical of measures that would make working conditions worse - APTS


Health and social service contract talks | Unions sharply critical of measures that would make working conditions worse

Bill 15 | Health care unions sharply critical of a bill that will increase centralization and pander to the private sector - APTS


Bill 15 | Health care unions sharply critical of a bill that will increase centralization and pander to the private sector

The APTS welcomes the reelection of Caroline Senneville as CSN president - APTS


The APTS welcomes the reelection of Caroline Senneville as CSN president

Public-sector contract talks | The Front commun is incensed and ratchets up the pressure - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | The Front commun is incensed and ratchets up the pressure

Bill 15 | The APTS tells the government to change course - APTS


Bill 15 | The APTS tells the government to change course

International Workers’Day | Who benefits from inflation? Not us! - APTS


International Workers’Day | Who benefits from inflation? Not us!

Public sector contract talks | Collective agreements set to expire: As the weather heats up, we’re getting ready to spring into action! - APTS


Public sector contract talks | Collective agreements set to expire: As the weather heats up, we’re getting ready to spring into action!

The APTS welcomes Magali Picard as newly elected president of the FTQ - APTS


The APTS welcomes Magali Picard as newly elected president of the FTQ

Front commun reacts to government offers | Making public service workers poorer is worst possible option - APTS


Front commun reacts to government offers | Making public service workers poorer is worst possible option

Shortage of psychologists in the public sector - Unions protest lack of government action - APTS


Shortage of psychologists in the public sector - Unions protest lack of government action

Day of action for youth centres | Youth workers cry out for support: “Are you ever going to help me?” - APTS


Day of action for youth centres | Youth workers cry out for support: “Are you ever going to help me?”

Health and social services unions criticize the MSSS for choosing once again to act alone - APTS


Health and social services unions criticize the MSSS for choosing once again to act alone

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun widens as APTS becomes a member - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun widens as APTS becomes a member

Health and social services | repeat offender government is targeted by new complaints - APTS


Health and social services | repeat offender government is targeted by new complaints

Overtime paid double to contend with the labour shortage this summer | “Too little, too late,” according to public-sector unions - APTS


Overtime paid double to contend with the labour shortage this summer | “Too little, too late,” according to public-sector unions

1,700 blood tests thrown in the garbage at Hôpital Pierre-Le Gardeur: the APTS is appalled - APTS


1,700 blood tests thrown in the garbage at Hôpital Pierre-Le Gardeur: the APTS is appalled

Crisis in Gaspé labs | The APTS offers solutions to Minister Dubé - APTS


Crisis in Gaspé labs | The APTS offers solutions to Minister Dubé

Contract talks in the public and parapublic sectors | Solidarity protocol concluded by the APTS and the FSSS-CSN - APTS


Contract talks in the public and parapublic sectors | Solidarity protocol concluded by the APTS and the FSSS-CSN

Unions in health and social services call for government to engage in dialogue to plan for a better summer - APTS


Unions in health and social services call for government to engage in dialogue to plan for a better summer

Pay equity maintenance: why are payments still delayed, and what is the government waiting for? - APTS


Pay equity maintenance: why are payments still delayed, and what is the government waiting for?

“COVID premiums” for another month: still on the rollercoaster with no permanent solutions in sight - APTS


“COVID premiums” for another month: still on the rollercoaster with no permanent solutions in sight

COVID premium | The APTS demands fair treatment for its members - APTS


COVID premium | The APTS demands fair treatment for its members

More delays from the government in paying what health and social services workers are owed | Women to pay the price – again - APTS


More delays from the government in paying what health and social services workers are owed | Women to pay the price – again

Changes to the Youth Protection Act | The government’s obligation is to make the Act effective - APTS


Changes to the Youth Protection Act | The government’s obligation is to make the Act effective

Job title: biomedical engineering technical coordinator | The APTS gets a favourable ruling from the arbitrator - APTS


Job title: biomedical engineering technical coordinator | The APTS gets a favourable ruling from the arbitrator

Pre-budget consultations | Innovative APTS proposal to improve the health and social services system - APTS


Pre-budget consultations | Innovative APTS proposal to improve the health and social services system

Inter-ministerial action plan for mental health | Investments are welcome but may be insufficient - APTS


Inter-ministerial action plan for mental health | Investments are welcome but may be insufficient

Québec health and welfare commissioner’s report on the first wave of COVID-19 | Recommendations support APTS proposals to improve health care and services in CHSLDs - APTS


Québec health and welfare commissioner’s report on the first wave of COVID-19 | Recommendations support APTS proposals to improve health care and services in CHSLDs

Coroner’s inquiry into CHSLD deaths | The APTS presents its final recommendations - APTS


Coroner’s inquiry into CHSLD deaths | The APTS presents its final recommendations

Government’s greater openness is welcomed by coalition of health and social service unions - APTS


Government’s greater openness is welcomed by coalition of health and social service unions

Keeping employees at work when they test positive for COVID-19 but have no symptoms | Risk management approach likely to harm vulnerable people, as well as professionals and technicians - APTS


Keeping employees at work when they test positive for COVID-19 but have no symptoms | Risk management approach likely to harm vulnerable people, as well as professionals and technicians

Contract talks | Agreement in principle is ratified by 55.3% of APTS members - APTS


Contract talks | Agreement in principle is ratified by 55.3% of APTS members

Bill 15: An Act to amend the Youth Protection Act and other legislative provisions | APTS will act as a watchdog for the Laurent Commission’s “recommendactions” - APTS


Bill 15: An Act to amend the Youth Protection Act and other legislative provisions | APTS will act as a watchdog for the Laurent Commission’s “recommendactions”

Contract talks | Agreement in principle approved by over 81% of APTS General Council delegates who encourage union members to adopt it in general assemblies - APTS


Contract talks | Agreement in principle approved by over 81% of APTS General Council delegates who encourage union members to adopt it in general assemblies

Contract talks | APTS delegates to consider an agreement in principle at a General Council - APTS


Contract talks | APTS delegates to consider an agreement in principle at a General Council

Recommendations in the Ombudsperson’s final report meet with highly favourable response from the APTS - APTS


Recommendations in the Ombudsperson’s final report meet with highly favourable response from the APTS

Contract talks | Exasperated APTS delegates stop their Convention to demonstrate - APTS


Contract talks | Exasperated APTS delegates stop their Convention to demonstrate

Robert Comeau elected president at the APTS Convention - APTS


Robert Comeau elected president at the APTS Convention

Contract talks | Exasperated by slow-paced talks, the APTS occupies a government building - APTS


Contract talks | Exasperated by slow-paced talks, the APTS occupies a government building

Public-sector contract talks | The APTS is losing patience - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | The APTS is losing patience

Contract talks will resume for the APTS - APTS


Contract talks will resume for the APTS

Labour shortage in health and social services | The APTS suspends the process of consulting its members about the renewal of their collective agreement - APTS


Labour shortage in health and social services | The APTS suspends the process of consulting its members about the renewal of their collective agreement

Youth protection assessment: another year marked by work overload - APTS


Youth protection assessment: another year marked by work overload

Mandatory vaccination | Breaks in services? The Legault government doesn’t have a plan - APTS


Mandatory vaccination | Breaks in services? The Legault government doesn’t have a plan

$1,000 premium for some youth workers | The APTS denounces the government for using the public health emergency as a tool to cope with insufficient numbers of youth protection workers - APTS


$1,000 premium for some youth workers | The APTS denounces the government for using the public health emergency as a tool to cope with insufficient numbers of youth protection workers

Contract talks | APTS members will be presented the government’s global offer - APTS


Contract talks | APTS members will be presented the government’s global offer

APTS calls on government to lift the public health emergency - APTS


APTS calls on government to lift the public health emergency

Contract talks | APTS will submit proposed deal to its General Council - APTS


Contract talks | APTS will submit proposed deal to its General Council

Contract talks | The APTS steps up the pressure with two more strike days - APTS


Contract talks | The APTS steps up the pressure with two more strike days

Contract talks | The APTS launches a general strike to defend accessible, high-quality health care and social services - APTS


Contract talks | The APTS launches a general strike to defend accessible, high-quality health care and social services

The APTS gets a strong mandate for strike action: CIUSSS Montréal West Island - APTS


The APTS gets a strong mandate for strike action: CIUSSS Montréal West Island

Paid a woman's wage ad campaign - APTS


Paid a woman's wage ad campaign

2021 Québec budget | Nothing to improve working conditions  for professionals and technicians battling COVID for the past year - APTS


2021 Québec budget | Nothing to improve working conditions for professionals and technicians battling COVID for the past year

COVID-19 | The health and safety of all Québecers is the labour unions' priority - APTS


COVID-19 | The health and safety of all Québecers is the labour unions' priority

Illegitimate suspension of local APTS union president - Unacceptable! - APTS


Illegitimate suspension of local APTS union president - Unacceptable!