We’re excited to begin the next stage of our political campaign on the theme A strong union for a strong public system. The APTS is calling on elected representatives and senior managers of health and social service institutions to design bold policies that will provide Quebecers with public services that are accessible, inclusive, and based on equality.
Dubé reform: look out!
Did you know that Minister Dubé’s Bill 15 to “make the health and social service system more efficient” will encourage greater use of the private sector at the expense of our public system? That the minister is getting ready to create Santé Québec, a new administrative structure that will centralize decision-making even though the agency will be miles away from what’s happening on the ground? That he plans to eliminate local collective agreements, denying your region’s specific characteristics? That he wants to merge all local bargaining units, removing your right to choose the union that will represent you?
The Dubé reform will affect you directly. To know more about its contents, see our tracts:
- An assault on the health system’s democratic functioning
- A disruptive impact on labour relations
- Québec is not Alberta
- A Trojan horse for even greater privatization
- Even more centralization
Our demands
Quebecers’ discontent with the current state of the health and social service system is palpable. Given all the broken promises – to put an end to waiting lists, give everyone access to a family doctor, and so on – it’s little wonder government pledges to fix the system are greeted with suspicion. In contrast to the threadbare solutions contained in the Legault government’s health-care reform plan (cost control, phony decentralization, expanding the role of the private sector, etc.), the APTS has a distinctly different vision for the health and social service system. See our solutions to help create the kind of system Quebecers deserve.