APTS and Québec government sign agreement to widen access to incentive premium for Outaouais medical imaging technologists

July 12, 2024

APTS and Québec government sign agreement to widen access to incentive premium for Outaouais medical imaging technologists - APTS

Longueuil – The APTS (Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux) has announced the signature of an agreement with the Québec government that will extend the incentive premium to a greater number of medical imaging technologists in the Outaouais, including those working in peripheral locations such as the Pontiac and Wakefield hospitals. The union will continue its discussions with the government to obtain a premium equal in amount to the one granted to APTS members employed in the Hull, Gatineau and Papineau hospitals.

“This agreement demonstrates our commitment to get better working conditions for medical imaging technologists and provide better coverage for health services in the Outaouais,” said APTS president Robert Comeau. “It’s a step in the right direction. The APTS objective is still to get an incentive premium for all medical imaging technologists in the Outaouais, since some of their colleagues are already receiving it, and then to keep on talking with the government to get an equal premium for everyone. We also hope to gain recognition for our members throughout Québec. Defending our public health and social services system is the keystone of our action as a labour union, along with protection for Quebecers.”

This is a significant advance for employees whose job title is covered by the agreement, which acknowledges their dedication and their crucial contribution to public health. 

“These are people who play a key role in the health care system, and the financial recognition provided by the premium is an important step towards genuine recognition of the value of their work,” explained APTS vice-president Joël Bélanger. “The agreement will help stabilize our personnel and ensure high quality care for Quebecers living in the Outaouais.”

The premium is intended to improve attraction and retention of medical imaging technologists in a region where the need for qualified staff is greater because many professionals choose to work in Ontario, where they get better pay. 

“We know that our members are dedicated to the well-being of people in the Outaouais, but the Ontario offer can be very tempting,” said Guylaine Laroche, president of the APTS local executive in the Outaouais. “That’s why we’ll keep on working relentlessly to make sure our medical imagery technologists receive the same attractive offer throughout the region.”

The APTS is deeply committed to improving its members’ working conditions in the Outaouais and is continuing to negotiate to achieve this goal.

“Medical imaging technologists in the Outaouais have long deserved this recognition, and more, for their dedication and tireless efforts. We’re determined to keep on working with the various social and political actors involved to achieve the same regional premium for all,” concluded Christine Prégent, APTS provincial representative for the Outaouais.


The APTS (Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux) represents more than 65,000 members who play a key role in ensuring that health and social services institutions run smoothly. Our members provide a wide range of services for all Quebecers, including diagnostic, rehabilitation, nutrition, psychosocial intervention, clinical support, and prevention services.