C O L L E C T I V E  A G R E E M E N T  2023-2028 >>>

Rising-scale COVID premium: a landmark decision - APTS


Rising-scale COVID premium: a landmark decision

Overtime paid double to contend with the labour shortage this summer | “Too little, too late,” according to public-sector unions - APTS


Overtime paid double to contend with the labour shortage this summer | “Too little, too late,” according to public-sector unions

Health and social services: losing pay over COVID-19 is unacceptable - APTS


Health and social services: losing pay over COVID-19 is unacceptable

Deaths in long-term care homes during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic | The APTS asks the Legault government to act quickly in implementing coroner Géhane Kamel’s recommendations - APTS


Deaths in long-term care homes during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic | The APTS asks the Legault government to act quickly in implementing coroner Géhane Kamel’s recommendations

Bill 28 to end the public health emergency | A frontal attack on workers’ rights - APTS


Bill 28 to end the public health emergency | A frontal attack on workers’ rights

“COVID premiums” for another month: still on the rollercoaster with no permanent solutions in sight - APTS


“COVID premiums” for another month: still on the rollercoaster with no permanent solutions in sight

COVID premium | The APTS demands fair treatment for its members - APTS


COVID premium | The APTS demands fair treatment for its members

More delays from the government in paying what health and social services workers are owed | Women to pay the price – again - APTS


More delays from the government in paying what health and social services workers are owed | Women to pay the price – again

Québec health and welfare commissioner’s report on the first wave of COVID-19 | Recommendations support APTS proposals to improve health care and services in CHSLDs - APTS


Québec health and welfare commissioner’s report on the first wave of COVID-19 | Recommendations support APTS proposals to improve health care and services in CHSLDs

Government’s greater openness is welcomed by coalition of health and social service unions - APTS


Government’s greater openness is welcomed by coalition of health and social service unions

Keeping employees at work when they test positive for COVID-19 but have no symptoms | Risk management approach likely to harm vulnerable people, as well as professionals and technicians - APTS


Keeping employees at work when they test positive for COVID-19 but have no symptoms | Risk management approach likely to harm vulnerable people, as well as professionals and technicians

APTS participates in hearings on CHSLD deaths during the first wave of the pandemic - APTS


APTS participates in hearings on CHSLD deaths during the first wave of the pandemic

Mandatory vaccination | Breaks in services? The Legault government doesn’t have a plan - APTS


Mandatory vaccination | Breaks in services? The Legault government doesn’t have a plan

Mandatory vaccination | When the best is the enemy of the good - APTS


Mandatory vaccination | When the best is the enemy of the good

APTS calls on government to lift the public health emergency - APTS


APTS calls on government to lift the public health emergency

Private sector contracts for medical imaging | The Legault government is hypocritical - APTS


Private sector contracts for medical imaging | The Legault government is hypocritical

Pandemic shows that privatizing mental health services has been a failure - APTS


Pandemic shows that privatizing mental health services has been a failure

Aerosols | Minister Dubé’s inconsistency continues to jeopardize workers’ health - APTS


Aerosols | Minister Dubé’s inconsistency continues to jeopardize workers’ health

A knife in the back for public sector psychologists - APTS


A knife in the back for public sector psychologists

Youth protection 2020 annual report | We can be “stronger, together” only if urgent need to end work overload is addressed - APTS


Youth protection 2020 annual report | We can be “stronger, together” only if urgent need to end work overload is addressed

COVID-19 | APTS responds to government action plan to tackle second wave - APTS


COVID-19 | APTS responds to government action plan to tackle second wave

COVID 19 | APTS denounces poor management of the pandemic at the Résidence Angelica - APTS


COVID 19 | APTS denounces poor management of the pandemic at the Résidence Angelica

COVID-19 | Conference call with Minister McCann - APTS


COVID-19 | Conference call with Minister McCann

COVID-19 | Code of silence in the health and social services system - Action is needed from Minister McCann - APTS


COVID-19 | Code of silence in the health and social services system - Action is needed from Minister McCann

COVID-19 | Red carpet treatment for medical specialists, while health and social services professionals and technicians are thrown a few crumbs - APTS


COVID-19 | Red carpet treatment for medical specialists, while health and social services professionals and technicians are thrown a few crumbs

COVID-19 | APTS calls on Minister McCann to guarantee access to protective equipment  for members being sent into CHSLDs - APTS


COVID-19 | APTS calls on Minister McCann to guarantee access to protective equipment  for members being sent into CHSLDs

COVID-19 | Hazard premiums during the pandemic: a first step that needs to be followed by another - APTS


COVID-19 | Hazard premiums during the pandemic: a first step that needs to be followed by another

COVID-19 | APTS sends SOS to Legault government - APTS


COVID-19 | APTS sends SOS to Legault government

COVID-19 | Will someone have to die before measures are taken to ensure the safety of our members? - APTS


COVID-19 | Will someone have to die before measures are taken to ensure the safety of our members?

COVID-19 | The APTS-FIQ alliance will be right there to negotiate all measures - APTS


COVID-19 | The APTS-FIQ alliance will be right there to negotiate all measures

COVID-19 | The health and safety of all Québecers is the labour unions' priority - APTS


COVID-19 | The health and safety of all Québecers is the labour unions' priority