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COVID 19 | APTS denounces poor management of the pandemic at the Résidence Angelica

May 25 2020

COVID 19 | APTS denounces poor management of the pandemic at the Résidence Angelica - APTS

APTS employees joined their colleagues from the Alliance Interprofessionnelle de Montréal (AIM) in a demonstration in front of the Résidence Angelica to denounce the way this private CHSLD under agreement is handling the pandemic.

"The Résidence Angelica’s handling of the pandemic should stand as an example of what not to do in infection prevention. Most of the public health directives have not been applied. And some have been applied so late that it borders on neglect. As a result, COVID-19 has spread like wildfire, infecting employees and residents alike. The government has to act now to ensure that employees can work under safe conditions and avoid spreading the virus," declared Josée Fréchette, APTS provincial representative for employees at the Résidence Angelica.

The APTS looks forward to the arrival of a team of inspectors from the CNESST (Labour Standards, Pay Equity, Occupational Health and Safety Commission) to shed light on the highly dubious practices set by the employer during the crisis.

"If the CNESST investigation reveals serious failings in the way this crisis was handled, those in charge will have to answer for that publicly. The employees who are putting their health on the line in providing care and services are demanding accountability, and they deserve to get it," concluded Josée Fréchette. 


The APTS (Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux) represents 56,000 members whose role is indispensable in ensuring that health and social services institutions run smoothly. Our members offer a myriad of services to the population in all regions of Québec, including diagnostic services, rehabilitation, nutrition, psychosocial intervention, clinical support and prevention services.