C O L L E C T I V E  A G R E E M E N T  2023-2028 >>>

Public sector contract talks | The APTS has signed its collective agreement for 2023-2028 - APTS


Public sector contract talks | The APTS has signed its collective agreement for 2023-2028

Ruling on bad-faith bargaining and interference in union activities | Labour tribunal puts repeat offender government in its place - APTS


Ruling on bad-faith bargaining and interference in union activities | Labour tribunal puts repeat offender government in its place

Public-sector bargaining talks | The Front commun confirms the adoption of the tentative deal - APTS


Public-sector bargaining talks | The Front commun confirms the adoption of the tentative deal

APTS wins its case on accumulating seniority during a strike - APTS


APTS wins its case on accumulating seniority during a strike

420,000 Front commun workers now have the floor - APTS


420,000 Front commun workers now have the floor

Public-sector contract talks | Proposed tentative deal at the central bargaining table for 420,000 Front commun workers - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Proposed tentative deal at the central bargaining table for 420,000 Front commun workers

Public-sector contract talks | The APTS has reached a hypothetical tentative agreement at the sectoral table - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | The APTS has reached a hypothetical tentative agreement at the sectoral table

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun will launch an unlimited general strike early in 2024 unless a deal is reached - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun will launch an unlimited general strike early in 2024 unless a deal is reached

Contract talks in health and social services | Workers have been stretched to the limit for too long - APTS


Contract talks in health and social services | Workers have been stretched to the limit for too long

Public-sector contract talks | 420,000 Front commun members begin a 7-day strike - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | 420,000 Front commun members begin a 7-day strike

Government now offering 12.7% | No agreement is possible without a mechanism to protect purchasing power and a catch-up pay increase - APTS


Government now offering 12.7% | No agreement is possible without a mechanism to protect purchasing power and a catch-up pay increase

Front commun reacts to ISQ report on remuneration of Québec public service employees | Urgent need for catch-up pay increases - APTS


Front commun reacts to ISQ report on remuneration of Québec public service employees | Urgent need for catch-up pay increases

Public-sector contract talks Front commun announces a 3rd series of strike days from December 8 to 14 - APTS


Public-sector contract talks Front commun announces a 3rd series of strike days from December 8 to 14

Front commun activists arrested by the SQ and charged with mischief at a demonstration at a CAQ riding office - APTS


Front commun activists arrested by the SQ and charged with mischief at a demonstration at a CAQ riding office

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun demonstration in front of the National Assembly - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun demonstration in front of the National Assembly

Open Letter | Today, we’re making history - APTS


Open Letter | Today, we’re making history

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun asks for conciliation - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun asks for conciliation

Health and social services contract talks | Organization of work: government is talking out of both sides of its mouth - APTS


Health and social services contract talks | Organization of work: government is talking out of both sides of its mouth

The Front commun will be on strike on November 21, 22 and 23 - APTS


The Front commun will be on strike on November 21, 22 and 23

Health and social service contract talks | Government puts an end to double rate for overtime pay, fuelling workers’ anger - APTS


Health and social service contract talks | Government puts an end to double rate for overtime pay, fuelling workers’ anger

Public-sector contract talks | Government makes an insulting offer – again - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Government makes an insulting offer – again

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun workers will strike on November 6 - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun workers will strike on November 6

Historic strike mandate for the Front commun: 95% of members vote yes - APTS


Historic strike mandate for the Front commun: 95% of members vote yes

Government statements: Front commun is waiting for concrete outcomes - APTS


Government statements: Front commun is waiting for concrete outcomes

Québec Ombudsman’s annual report 2022-2023 | When public services are severely impaired by staff shortages - APTS


Québec Ombudsman’s annual report 2022-2023 | When public services are severely impaired by staff shortages

Survey shows public opinion is favourable to workers - APTS


Survey shows public opinion is favourable to workers

Government refuses to extend certain premiums beyond September 30 - APTS


Government refuses to extend certain premiums beyond September 30

Front commun looks ahead to unlimited general strike - APTS


Front commun looks ahead to unlimited general strike

Health and social service contract talks | Unions sharply critical of measures that would make working conditions worse - APTS


Health and social service contract talks | Unions sharply critical of measures that would make working conditions worse

Public-sector bargaining talks: an update as summer begins - APTS


Public-sector bargaining talks: an update as summer begins

Bad-faith bargaining and interference in union activities: APTS takes the government to court - APTS


Bad-faith bargaining and interference in union activities: APTS takes the government to court

Public-sector contract talks | The Front commun is incensed and ratchets up the pressure - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | The Front commun is incensed and ratchets up the pressure

Health and social service contract talks | Time to step up the pace - APTS


Health and social service contract talks | Time to step up the pace

Public sector contract talks | Collective agreements set to expire: As the weather heats up, we’re getting ready to spring into action! - APTS


Public sector contract talks | Collective agreements set to expire: As the weather heats up, we’re getting ready to spring into action!

The Front commun acknowledges Québec’s new offer - APTS


The Front commun acknowledges Québec’s new offer

Public-sector contract talks | Feminist resistance: Front commun demands better pay for women employed in public services - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Feminist resistance: Front commun demands better pay for women employed in public services

Public-sector contract talks | Vague and disconnected offers to improve mental health services - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Vague and disconnected offers to improve mental health services

Front commun sets the record straight after government’s misleading statements - APTS


Front commun sets the record straight after government’s misleading statements

Public-sector contract talks | Government offers rejected by the Front commun - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Government offers rejected by the Front commun

Government contract offers in the health and social service sector | Unions don’t want a rerun of the same bad movie - APTS


Government contract offers in the health and social service sector | Unions don’t want a rerun of the same bad movie

Front commun reacts to government offers | Making public service workers poorer is worst possible option - APTS


Front commun reacts to government offers | Making public service workers poorer is worst possible option

Unions react to the ISQ report on Québec public service employees’ remuneration : catch-up increases are needed to close the ongoing wage gap - APTS


Unions react to the ISQ report on Québec public service employees’ remuneration : catch-up increases are needed to close the ongoing wage gap

The APTS unveils its demands for better conditions of work and practice - APTS


The APTS unveils its demands for better conditions of work and practice

2023 Negotiations | “Together as one” | The Front commun tables its demands - APTS


2023 Negotiations | “Together as one” | The Front commun tables its demands

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun widens as APTS becomes a member - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun widens as APTS becomes a member

Contract talks in the public and parapublic sectors | Solidarity protocol concluded by the APTS and the FSSS-CSN - APTS


Contract talks in the public and parapublic sectors | Solidarity protocol concluded by the APTS and the FSSS-CSN