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COVID-19 | The health and safety of all Québecers is the labour unions' priority

March 15, 2020

COVID-19 | The health and safety of all Québecers is the labour unions' priority - APTS

Québec City – We are here today representing nearly 500,000 public-service workers, to assure the government of our full co-operation in the face of the unprecedented Corona virus pandemic. Public-sector workers are already on the front lines and are ready to respond to the immense challenges facing us collectively in the coming weeks and perhaps months.

At our meeting this afternoon, we immediately reaffirmed to the government our commitment to do everything possible to ensure that the people of Québec obtain all the services they need and that these services are provided under the safest possible conditions. We expect the government to support all workers in their efforts, and to recognize the indispensable contribution of the "guardian angels," as the Premier rightly calls them. That's why we think it's crucial to eliminate any obstacles hindering the full mobilization of personnel who will be on the ground 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide services to Québecers.

It is in this context that the labour organizations and the Treasury Board have agreed to suspend public-sector negotiations for the time being, while keeping the channels of communication open.

Today we are making a commitment to assure the government of our full co-operation in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus. It is our responsibility to help protect the health of all Québecers.

Union leaders
Andrée Poirier, APTS president
Nancy Bédard, FIQ president
Caroline Senneville, CSN vice-president
Sonia Éthier, CSQ president
Daniel Boyer, FTQ president