W H A T  I F  W E  D A R E D  T O  D O  IT?  >>>

The APTS labour relations department provides accessible, personalized support for any matters related to the application of the collective agreement or social laws.

What are the main responsibilities of the labour relations department?

In each institution, members of the labour relations team are responsible for interpreting the collective agreement and social laws, handling grievances and complaints, settling disputes by negotiating agreements with the employer, and working with the local executive to negotiate local provisions.

What is distinctive about the APTS approach?

In handling labour relations cases, the APTS prides itself on a flexible, proactive approach that is adapted to the specific reality of each institution. Union counsellors are not employed by the institution, making it easier for them to deal with cases impartially and objectively. Another benefit of the APTS structure is that it provides a Québec-wide perspective on labour relations issues.

Who are the members of the labour relations department?

The labour relations department is made up of twenty-two teams of professionals. These benefit from the support of experienced coordinators who make sure that policy directions and strategies defined for all APTS bargaining units are followed. Responsibility for the various bargaining units is shared among the teams.

Where can I get information about my rights and recourses in relation to my employer?

If you believe your rights have been denied, or if you have a question about your working conditions (schedules, days off, vacations, etc.) and can’t find the answer on this site, talk to your local executive or ask to speak to a union counsellor assigned to your institution.



Key facts

What is the difference between a probation period and an initiation and trial period?

These should not be confused. The probation period starts when you are hired; during this period, you are entitled to all the benefits of the collective agreement, except that you cannot use the grievance procedure if you are dismissed. The initiation and trial period starts after you obtain a position following a job posting. During that period, you may choose to return to your former position or to the availability list, or your employer may choose to terminate your trial period.

What is an assignment?

An employee is assigned to a position when its incumbent is temporarily absent.

What is seniority?

Seniority is the length of time worked for a single employer. It is measured in calendar years and days.

Can I accumulate seniority while I’m on leave without pay for studies?

Yes, you have the right to accumulate seniority (up to a maximum of 24 months) while you are on leave without pay for studies, as long as these studies are related to your job.

What is the time limit for filing a grievance?

It depends on the nature of the grievance. In cases involving a disciplinary measure, psychological harassment, or remuneration, for instance, it can vary from 30 days to 6 months. You generally have to file within 60 calendar days of learning of the fact(s) giving rise to the grievance, but no more than 6 months from when the said fact(s) occurred. Beyond the prescribed time limit, no recourse is possible.

How should I respond to unfounded reprimands in a letter from my employer?

Contact your local executive or your APTS counsellor as soon as possible in order to take the necessary steps to challenge the content of the letter, if need be.

What’s the difference between an administrative measure and a disciplinary measure?

An administrative measure involves an evaluation of your work performance and/or skills, while a disciplinary measure involves a verbal or written rebuke or reprimand from your supervisor.


Leave and absences

I obtained a full-time position this year. How many days of vacation am I entitled to?

When employees have had more than one job status (e.g., full-time, part-time or without a position) during the reference period on which annual vacation leave is based, they receive compensation for the number of annual vacation days accumulated since they obtained full-time status, plus a percentage of the salary they earned when their status was other than full-time. The amount they receive is equivalent to what they would have received had they been at work.

I’m working on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. How much will I be paid?

If you work on Christmas Day (December 25) or New Year’s Day (January 1), you will be paid time-and-a-half. You will also be entitled to compensatory time off, to be used at another time.

If I work on another statutory holiday, what will I be paid?

You’ll receive the same pay that you usually receive for a regular work day. You will also be entitled to compensatory time off, to be used at another time.

Can I accumulate statutory holidays while I’m on disability leave?

You aren’t entitled to accumulate statutory holidays during your absence for illness and take them later, as they are deemed to have been taken and paid.

I have to attend a funeral. Am I entitled to take time off?

When a close relative dies, you are entitled to between 1 and 5 days of leave.

I have a full-time position and now have to go on disability leave. What are my rights?

The first 5 working days that you are absent from work are paid at your regular salary, and are deducted from your sick leave bank. After that, you are entitled to benefits equal to 80% of your salary for up to 104 weeks. If you are not able to resume work after your first 104 weeks of disability and are under 60, you can benefit from long-term disability insurance through your APTS group insurance plan. Throughout the entire disability period and up to a maximum of 36 months from the time you stopped working, you can initiate a gradual return to work, following the recommendations of your doctor.

I have a part-time position and now have to go on disability leave. What are my rights?

Before being eligible for disability benefits, you have to wait 7 calendar days, calculated as of the first day you were to report to work. Beginning on the eighth day, you are entitled to benefits equal to 80% of your weekly salary, under the same conditions as those applying to full-time employees.

I’m pregnant. What are my rights?

If your work involves hazards for yourself or your unborn child, you can benefit from “For a Safe Maternity Experience,” a program provided by the CNESST (the Labour Standards, Pay Equity, Occupational Health and Safety Commission). See our pamphlets:

For a danger-free pregnancy 

 (“Preventive withdrawal for a pregnant or breastfeeding worker”) 

To know your rights surrounding the birth or adoption a child, as well as measures to protect your job and income during this period, and other benefits, see our pamphlet on parental rights.

Who is entitled to leave with deferred pay?

Full-time employees, or part-time employees who have worked for two full years, can benefit from leave with deferred pay.



Am I entitled to employee benefits if I’m part-time or don’t have a position?

Part-time employees and employees without a position receive fringe benefits for annual vacation leave, statutory holidays, and sick leave, prorated to the number of hours they have worked.

Under what conditions am I considered a full-time employee?

Employees on the availability list who have a full-time assignment for six months or more are considered to be full-time employees during this period.

I’d like to pursue my professional development. Will I be entitled to echelon advancement?

Employees who have or obtain academic training in addition to their basic diploma or degree may, subject to certain conditions, benefit from a pay raise. See the general rules laid out in Article 17 of the national provisions.

What is on-call duty?

On-call duty refers to a system where designated employees have to ensure that they are available, generally from their home, to respond to emergencies arising outside their scheduled hours at the activity centre.

I’m a technician. How much will I be paid for overtime?

Any work you do in addition to your regular work day or work week is considered overtime. When you work overtime, you are entitled to one-and-a-half times your regular salary, excluding inconvenience premiums (such as evening, night, or weekend-shift premiums). If you work overtime on a statutory holiday, you will be paid twice your regular salary.

I have a university degree. How much will I be paid for overtime?

Any work you do in addition to your regular work day or work week is considered overtime. For professionals, overtime hours are paid in time off, which must be taken within 30 days or at another time agreed on with the employer. If the employer cannot give you compensatory time off, your overtime hours will be paid at the straight-time rate.

According to the Labour Standards Act, however, any work performed in excess of 40 hours must be paid at time-and-half the usual hourly wage for any time worked beyond 40 hours in a given work week.

I need to use my car for work. Am I entitled to compensation?

If you have to use your personal vehicle in the performance of your duties, you are entitled to be reimbursed for your expenses.


Worplace harassment

What can I do if I’m experiencing harassment at work?

If you are experiencing psychological harassment and all your attempts to resolve the problem with the person who is harassing you have failed, you should contact your local team, who will advise you about what to do. 


To contact your local executive, see the list of our union offices.