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International Women’s Rights Day | The CAQ has to quit being afraid of its shadow

February 22, 2023

International Women’s Rights Day | The CAQ has to quit being afraid of its shadow - APTS

Montréal – The Collectif 8 mars decries the CAQ government’s refusal to debate a motion that concerns International Women’s Rights Day and feminist struggles in Québec. The motion ― supported by all the opposition parties ― encouraged the use of intersectional gender-based analysis (GBA+). This type of analysis is crucial in setting up measures to reduce inequalities at all stages of a project, from preparatory planning to final evaluation.

“The government’s refusal is incomprehensible and disappointing. The premier is always saying that he wants to be judged on results. Yet the CAQ is refusing to use the best instrument possible to evaluate the impact of its policies. The government hasn’t even deigned to send a representative to explain to us why it is refusing to discuss this motion. The CAQ has to quit being afraid of its shadow and take action so that we can finally agree to apply intersectional gender-based analysis in all government ministries and organizations,” declared Marie-Andrée Gauthier, spokesperson for the Collectif 8 mars.

“We are confronted with a climate emergency, mounting polarization and privatization. We are experiencing first-hand the erosion of women’s rights, escalating violence and deepening inequalities. We are battling the rise in racism, unabashed sexism and open expressions of hate. That’s why the slogan this year, Feminist resistance, was an obvious choice. This year especially, the emphasis is on magnifying the voices of those who are not being heard,” explained Ms. Gauthier. “It’s totally incomprehensible that the government is choosing inertia over action! ”

Representatives for the Collectif 8 mars will meet with the minister responsible for the status of women on March 16.  

The Collectif 8 mars

The Collectif 8 mars brings together labour unions and independent feminist community organizations representing nearly 800,000 women, 17 regional roundtables on the status of women, and more than 450 women’s groups and mixed-gender groups.