W H A T  I F  W E  D A R E D  T O  D O  IT?  >>>

The APTS is a labour union representing 65,000 professionals and technicians working in the vast majority of public health and social services institutions across Québec.

Our union brings together expertise that is both extensive and varied: APTS members, 86% of whom are women, hold over one hundred different job titles. The APTS is the only union exclusively representing professionals and technicians in Québec’s public health and social services system, and it is the union representing the great majority of people in this group.

APTS members work in facilities with a variety of missions: hospitals, CLSCs, CHSLDs, youth centres, and rehabilitation centres for people with physical needs, intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorder, or addiction issues. In relation to the health and social services system, this means the APTS is in a position to see both the forest and the trees.

APTS national spokesperson

Robert Comeau, interim president

Robert Comeau worked as a medical imaging technologist at the Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Trois-Rivières from 1992 until 2004 when he was elected as a political liaison officer in the newly formed APTS. He was re-elected twice and held this position until 2010. During that period, Robert helped organize the founding APTS convention in 2006 and was active on the steering committee for the conventions in 2008 and 2010.

Even before the APTS was created, Robert served as a local union representative, board member and vice-president of the Syndicat des technologues en radiologie du Québec (STRQ), which was affiliated with the Centrale des professionnelles et professionnels de la santé (CPS). The CPS was one of the founding unions of the APTS.

Before taking the plunge in early 2002 to devote himself to full-time union work and be released from his regular duties, he was also a member of the Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale et en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec from 1995 to 1999.

Robert first joined the APTS executive committee in 2010. He was initially elected 4th vice-president, then 3rd vice-president, then 2nd vice-president at the 2016 convention. He became 1st vice-president at the convention in 2019. After serving for several months as provincial representative for the Montérégie-Centre region, he returned to the executive committee to support the team. He was appointed interim president by the Provincial Council when the current president went on leave.

With years of experience in decision-making positions at the APTS and a keen awareness of issues involving union democracy, Robert’s contribution when it comes to union organizing, raiding, contract talks and other core issues is invaluable.

Robert’s commitment over the years has always been driven by the desire to improve the working conditions of professionals and technicians and build a broad consensus on the best ways to accomplish that.

Media relations

National | Maxime Clément

The APTS in the news

The APTS publicly defends its members’ interests and fights to ensure that Quebecers receive high-quality, accessible, and publicly-run services.

Delayed payment of amounts owed under pay equity and collective agreements | Common front demands that government honour its commitments to health and social service workers - APTS


Delayed payment of amounts owed under pay equity and collective agreements | Common front demands that government honour its commitments to health and social service workers

Bill 89 | An essential right under threat: the APTS denounces a blow to workers’ rights - APTS


Bill 89 | An essential right under threat: the APTS denounces a blow to workers’ rights

Health and social services budget | The APTS tells the government to “dare to do it” - APTS


Health and social services budget | The APTS tells the government to “dare to do it”

Bill 83 | The APTS calls for more ambitious solutions to reinforce the public system - APTS


Bill 83 | The APTS calls for more ambitious solutions to reinforce the public system

Unpaid premiums in health and social services | The APTS brings action against Santé Québec - APTS


Unpaid premiums in health and social services | The APTS brings action against Santé Québec

The government must stop demanding budget cuts and protect the funding of the public system - APTS


The government must stop demanding budget cuts and protect the funding of the public system

Where are our premiums? The government and Santé Québec need to quit passing the buck - APTS


Where are our premiums? The government and Santé Québec need to quit passing the buck

97% in favour of the tentative deal: a victory for APTS members at the INSPQ - APTS


97% in favour of the tentative deal: a victory for APTS members at the INSPQ

Union representation in health and social services | The APTS welcomes Minister LeBel’s announcement, but remains vigilant - APTS


Union representation in health and social services | The APTS welcomes Minister LeBel’s announcement, but remains vigilant

APTS demonstration in downtown Montréal | Santé Québec is no Christmas present - APTS


APTS demonstration in downtown Montréal | Santé Québec is no Christmas present

ISQ report on employee compensation in 2024: comparative status and trends | Front commun agreement has reduced the compensation gap - APTS


ISQ report on employee compensation in 2024: comparative status and trends | Front commun agreement has reduced the compensation gap

Budget cuts announced | The APTS denounces the return of austerity in health and social services - APTS


Budget cuts announced | The APTS denounces the return of austerity in health and social services

Payment of premiums is delayed Government must keep its promises to union members and Quebecers - APTS


Payment of premiums is delayed Government must keep its promises to union members and Quebecers

INSPQ negotiations | APTS members vote unanimously to strike - APTS


INSPQ negotiations | APTS members vote unanimously to strike

Groupe Medway’s health care facility in Rivière-du-Loup | The APTS says NO to the privatization of health and social services in Québec’s regions - APTS


Groupe Medway’s health care facility in Rivière-du-Loup | The APTS says NO to the privatization of health and social services in Québec’s regions

The APTS obtains additional premiums for youth protection - APTS


The APTS obtains additional premiums for youth protection

All of Québec is mobilizing today to denounce the Legault government’s bad decisions  | We demand collective dialogue on the social and environmental transition - APTS


All of Québec is mobilizing today to denounce the Legault government’s bad decisions | We demand collective dialogue on the social and environmental transition

Victory for APTS members in the Outaouais: $22,000 premium extended to medical imaging technologists throughout the region - APTS


Victory for APTS members in the Outaouais: $22,000 premium extended to medical imaging technologists throughout the region

Asbestos found in rooms of the Montréal West Island CIUSSS | A ceiling collapsed, narrowly missing an employee, and no action has been taken in a year! - APTS


Asbestos found in rooms of the Montréal West Island CIUSSS | A ceiling collapsed, narrowly missing an employee, and no action has been taken in a year!

APTS and Québec government sign agreement to widen access to incentive premium for Outaouais medical imaging technologists - APTS


APTS and Québec government sign agreement to widen access to incentive premium for Outaouais medical imaging technologists

2024 evaluation of youth protection in Québec: a system hanging by a thread - APTS


2024 evaluation of youth protection in Québec: a system hanging by a thread

Health ministry consultations about medical labs | APTS denounces lack of substantive proposals after more than a year of reflection - APTS


Health ministry consultations about medical labs | APTS denounces lack of substantive proposals after more than a year of reflection

Public sector contract talks | The APTS has signed its collective agreement for 2023-2028 - APTS


Public sector contract talks | The APTS has signed its collective agreement for 2023-2028

The APTS responds to the tabling of Bill 67 - APTS


The APTS responds to the tabling of Bill 67

Joint statement on the future of medical labs: over twenty partners declare their support for public, high-quality, accessible, and locally available services - APTS


Joint statement on the future of medical labs: over twenty partners declare their support for public, high-quality, accessible, and locally available services

Moving forward for the future of our labs | APTS focus day brings many different partners together - APTS


Moving forward for the future of our labs | APTS focus day brings many different partners together

May Day march | International Workers’ Day: United to make our voices heard - APTS


May Day march | International Workers’ Day: United to make our voices heard

Medical imaging at risk for service breaks in the Outaouais region | APTS and Québec government reach agreement aiming for parity with Ontario - APTS


Medical imaging at risk for service breaks in the Outaouais region | APTS and Québec government reach agreement aiming for parity with Ontario




Moving forward for the future of our labs | May 6, 2024: The APTS will bring together actors from every horizon for a focus day - APTS


Moving forward for the future of our labs | May 6, 2024: The APTS will bring together actors from every horizon for a focus day

Whistleblower protection  | It’s time to abolish the code of silence in the health and social services system - APTS


Whistleblower protection | It’s time to abolish the code of silence in the health and social services system

2024-2025 Québec budget | The Legault government is setting the stage for a return to austerity, the APTS warns - APTS


2024-2025 Québec budget | The Legault government is setting the stage for a return to austerity, the APTS warns

Ruling on bad-faith bargaining and interference in union activities | Labour tribunal puts repeat offender government in its place - APTS


Ruling on bad-faith bargaining and interference in union activities | Labour tribunal puts repeat offender government in its place

Public-sector bargaining talks | The Front commun confirms the adoption of the tentative deal - APTS


Public-sector bargaining talks | The Front commun confirms the adoption of the tentative deal

The APTS offers its full cooperation with the investigation carried out by Québec’s Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission - APTS


The APTS offers its full cooperation with the investigation carried out by Québec’s Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission

From outrage to action | Collectif 8 mars meets with minister Martine Biron - APTS


From outrage to action | Collectif 8 mars meets with minister Martine Biron

Fighting harassment and sexual violence in the workplace (Bill 42) | commendable measures and an unfortunate lack of proactivity - APTS


Fighting harassment and sexual violence in the workplace (Bill 42) | commendable measures and an unfortunate lack of proactivity

A major victory for whistleblowers - APTS


A major victory for whistleblowers

Home support services Report on aging well at home | it’s time for the government to make its intentions known - APTS


Home support services Report on aging well at home | it’s time for the government to make its intentions known

420,000 Front commun workers now have the floor - APTS


420,000 Front commun workers now have the floor

Public-sector contract talks | Proposed tentative deal at the central bargaining table for 420,000 Front commun workers - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Proposed tentative deal at the central bargaining table for 420,000 Front commun workers

Public-sector contract talks | The APTS has reached a hypothetical tentative agreement at the sectoral table - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | The APTS has reached a hypothetical tentative agreement at the sectoral table

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun will launch an unlimited general strike early in 2024 unless a deal is reached - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun will launch an unlimited general strike early in 2024 unless a deal is reached

Contract talks in health and social services | Workers have been stretched to the limit for too long - APTS


Contract talks in health and social services | Workers have been stretched to the limit for too long

Government will invoke closure to ensure hurried adoption of Dubé reform | Quebecers’ health and social safety net in jeopardy - APTS


Government will invoke closure to ensure hurried adoption of Dubé reform | Quebecers’ health and social safety net in jeopardy

Public-sector contract talks | 420,000 Front commun members begin a 7-day strike - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | 420,000 Front commun members begin a 7-day strike

Government now offering 12.7% | No agreement is possible without a mechanism to protect purchasing power and a catch-up pay increase - APTS


Government now offering 12.7% | No agreement is possible without a mechanism to protect purchasing power and a catch-up pay increase

Front commun reacts to ISQ report on remuneration of Québec public service employees | Urgent need for catch-up pay increases - APTS


Front commun reacts to ISQ report on remuneration of Québec public service employees | Urgent need for catch-up pay increases

Public-sector contract talks Front commun announces a 3rd series of strike days from December 8 to 14 - APTS


Public-sector contract talks Front commun announces a 3rd series of strike days from December 8 to 14

Front commun activists arrested by the SQ and charged with mischief at a demonstration at a CAQ riding office - APTS


Front commun activists arrested by the SQ and charged with mischief at a demonstration at a CAQ riding office

Open Letter | Today, we’re making history - APTS


Open Letter | Today, we’re making history

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun demonstration in front of the National Assembly - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun demonstration in front of the National Assembly

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun asks for conciliation - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun asks for conciliation

Health and social services contract talks | Organization of work: government is talking out of both sides of its mouth - APTS


Health and social services contract talks | Organization of work: government is talking out of both sides of its mouth

2023 Convention: Robert Comeau reelected as APTS president - APTS


2023 Convention: Robert Comeau reelected as APTS president

The Front commun will be on strike on November 21, 22 and 23 - APTS


The Front commun will be on strike on November 21, 22 and 23

Health and social service contract talks | Government puts an end to double rate for overtime pay, fuelling workers’ anger - APTS


Health and social service contract talks | Government puts an end to double rate for overtime pay, fuelling workers’ anger

Public-sector contract talks | Government makes an insulting offer – again - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Government makes an insulting offer – again

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun workers will strike on November 6 - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun workers will strike on November 6

A lighter administrative burden for workers providing home care | Measures look promising if the right conditions are in place - APTS


A lighter administrative burden for workers providing home care | Measures look promising if the right conditions are in place

Historic strike mandate for the Front commun: 95% of members vote yes - APTS


Historic strike mandate for the Front commun: 95% of members vote yes

Government statements: Front commun is waiting for concrete outcomes - APTS


Government statements: Front commun is waiting for concrete outcomes

Québec Ombudsman’s annual report 2022-2023 | When public services are severely impaired by staff shortages - APTS


Québec Ombudsman’s annual report 2022-2023 | When public services are severely impaired by staff shortages

Government refuses to extend certain premiums beyond September 30 - APTS


Government refuses to extend certain premiums beyond September 30

Front commun looks ahead to unlimited general strike - APTS


Front commun looks ahead to unlimited general strike

Compensation for biomedical engineering technical coordinators and executive assistants | Government stubbornly committed to acting in bad faith - APTS


Compensation for biomedical engineering technical coordinators and executive assistants | Government stubbornly committed to acting in bad faith

Health and social service contract talks | Unions sharply critical of measures that would make working conditions worse - APTS


Health and social service contract talks | Unions sharply critical of measures that would make working conditions worse

Public-sector bargaining talks: an update as summer begins - APTS


Public-sector bargaining talks: an update as summer begins

Three technologists out of five considered leaving the public sector in the past year | APTS des Laurentides sounds the alarm - APTS


Three technologists out of five considered leaving the public sector in the past year | APTS des Laurentides sounds the alarm

Coroner’s report on suicide in Québec | Québec’s public system must provide access to mental health services - APTS


Coroner’s report on suicide in Québec | Québec’s public system must provide access to mental health services

Evaluation of youth protection in Québec: future looks grim for an ailing system - APTS


Evaluation of youth protection in Québec: future looks grim for an ailing system

Bill 15 | Health care unions sharply critical of a bill that will increase centralization and pander to the private sector - APTS


Bill 15 | Health care unions sharply critical of a bill that will increase centralization and pander to the private sector

Bad-faith bargaining and interference in union activities: APTS takes the government to court - APTS


Bad-faith bargaining and interference in union activities: APTS takes the government to court

The APTS welcomes the reelection of Caroline Senneville as CSN president - APTS


The APTS welcomes the reelection of Caroline Senneville as CSN president

Public-sector contract talks | The Front commun is incensed and ratchets up the pressure - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | The Front commun is incensed and ratchets up the pressure

Bill 15 | The APTS tells the government to change course - APTS


Bill 15 | The APTS tells the government to change course

International Workers’Day | Who benefits from inflation? Not us! - APTS


International Workers’Day | Who benefits from inflation? Not us!

Public sector contract talks | Collective agreements set to expire: As the weather heats up, we’re getting ready to spring into action! - APTS


Public sector contract talks | Collective agreements set to expire: As the weather heats up, we’re getting ready to spring into action!

New health agency Santé Québec | Health reform gets off on the wrong foot - APTS


New health agency Santé Québec | Health reform gets off on the wrong foot

The Front commun acknowledges Québec’s new offer - APTS


The Front commun acknowledges Québec’s new offer

Superior Court dismisses health and social service ministry’s case | Biomedical engineering technical coordinators are finally granted the recognition they deserve - APTS


Superior Court dismisses health and social service ministry’s case | Biomedical engineering technical coordinators are finally granted the recognition they deserve

2023-2024 budget | APTS condemns vote-seeking tax cuts carried out at the expense of public services - APTS


2023-2024 budget | APTS condemns vote-seeking tax cuts carried out at the expense of public services

Meeting with Minister Biron | The Collectif 8 mars is left unsatisfied - APTS


Meeting with Minister Biron | The Collectif 8 mars is left unsatisfied

Bill on independent labour | The APTS criticizes Bill 10 for its glaring omissions - APTS


Bill on independent labour | The APTS criticizes Bill 10 for its glaring omissions

OPTILAB | APTS calls for a moratorium on construction of the Montérégie hub lab - APTS


OPTILAB | APTS calls for a moratorium on construction of the Montérégie hub lab

Open letter | Feminist Resistance and the Climate Emergency - APTS


Open letter | Feminist Resistance and the Climate Emergency

Public-sector contract talks | Vague and disconnected offers to improve mental health services - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Vague and disconnected offers to improve mental health services

International Women’s Rights Day | The CAQ has to quit being afraid of its shadow - APTS


International Women’s Rights Day | The CAQ has to quit being afraid of its shadow

Front commun sets the record straight after government’s misleading statements - APTS


Front commun sets the record straight after government’s misleading statements

A two-tier lab system | The APTS calls for decentralization - APTS


A two-tier lab system | The APTS calls for decentralization

A bill on independent workers in the health and social services sector | More is needed to stop the hemorrhaging - APTS


A bill on independent workers in the health and social services sector | More is needed to stop the hemorrhaging

Union demonstration at Montréal West Island CIUSSS: “Our employer is living in a fantasy world” - APTS


Union demonstration at Montréal West Island CIUSSS: “Our employer is living in a fantasy world”

For the new parliamentary session | APTS presents its checklist for health and social services - APTS


For the new parliamentary session | APTS presents its checklist for health and social services

Public-sector contract talks | Government offers rejected by the Front commun - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Government offers rejected by the Front commun

The APTS welcomes Magali Picard as newly elected president of the FTQ - APTS


The APTS welcomes Magali Picard as newly elected president of the FTQ

Minimum wage increase to $15.25 an hour | Too little too late, says coalition for $18 minimum wage - APTS


Minimum wage increase to $15.25 an hour | Too little too late, says coalition for $18 minimum wage

Government contract offers in the health and social service sector | Unions don’t want a rerun of the same bad movie - APTS


Government contract offers in the health and social service sector | Unions don’t want a rerun of the same bad movie

Front commun reacts to government offers | Making public service workers poorer is worst possible option - APTS


Front commun reacts to government offers | Making public service workers poorer is worst possible option

Shortage of psychologists in the public sector - Unions protest lack of government action - APTS


Shortage of psychologists in the public sector - Unions protest lack of government action

Day of action for youth centres | Youth workers cry out for support: “Are you ever going to help me?” - APTS


Day of action for youth centres | Youth workers cry out for support: “Are you ever going to help me?”

Union members ratify historic agreement at Pointe-Saint-Charles Community Clinic - APTS


Union members ratify historic agreement at Pointe-Saint-Charles Community Clinic

Unions react to the ISQ report on Québec public service employees’ remuneration : catch-up increases are needed to close the ongoing wage gap - APTS


Unions react to the ISQ report on Québec public service employees’ remuneration : catch-up increases are needed to close the ongoing wage gap

Shortage of psychologists in the public sector | Unions ask for meeting with five ministers to break the stalemate - APTS


Shortage of psychologists in the public sector | Unions ask for meeting with five ministers to break the stalemate

The APTS unveils its demands for better conditions of work and practice - APTS


The APTS unveils its demands for better conditions of work and practice

2023 Negotiations | “Together as one” | The Front commun tables its demands - APTS


2023 Negotiations | “Together as one” | The Front commun tables its demands

Public-sector contract talks | Front commun widens as APTS becomes a member - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | Front commun widens as APTS becomes a member

Health and social services | repeat offender government is targeted by new complaints - APTS


Health and social services | repeat offender government is targeted by new complaints

Overtime paid double to contend with the labour shortage this summer | “Too little, too late,” according to public-sector unions - APTS


Overtime paid double to contend with the labour shortage this summer | “Too little, too late,” according to public-sector unions

1,700 blood tests thrown in the garbage at Hôpital Pierre-Le Gardeur: the APTS is appalled - APTS


1,700 blood tests thrown in the garbage at Hôpital Pierre-Le Gardeur: the APTS is appalled

Crisis in Gaspé labs | The APTS offers solutions to Minister Dubé - APTS


Crisis in Gaspé labs | The APTS offers solutions to Minister Dubé

Laurent Report, one year later: still no real push to set the course straight - APTS


Laurent Report, one year later: still no real push to set the course straight

Health and social services: losing pay over COVID-19 is unacceptable - APTS


Health and social services: losing pay over COVID-19 is unacceptable

Contract talks in the public and parapublic sectors | Solidarity protocol concluded by the APTS and the FSSS-CSN - APTS


Contract talks in the public and parapublic sectors | Solidarity protocol concluded by the APTS and the FSSS-CSN

A strong union for a strong public system | Accessible, sustainable, well-funded, and designed for human beings – the APTS launches a campaign for a better public health and social services system - APTS


A strong union for a strong public system | Accessible, sustainable, well-funded, and designed for human beings – the APTS launches a campaign for a better public health and social services system

Deaths in long-term care homes during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic | The APTS asks the Legault government to act quickly in implementing coroner Géhane Kamel’s recommendations - APTS


Deaths in long-term care homes during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic | The APTS asks the Legault government to act quickly in implementing coroner Géhane Kamel’s recommendations

Unions in health and social services call for government to engage in dialogue to plan for a better summer - APTS


Unions in health and social services call for government to engage in dialogue to plan for a better summer

The APTS denounces limitations of the 2021-2026 action plan for long-term care facilities - APTS


The APTS denounces limitations of the 2021-2026 action plan for long-term care facilities

Estates-General on living conditions for seniors | APTS proudly endorses the joint declaration - APTS


Estates-General on living conditions for seniors | APTS proudly endorses the joint declaration

Pay equity maintenance: why are payments still delayed, and what is the government waiting for? - APTS


Pay equity maintenance: why are payments still delayed, and what is the government waiting for?

5th anniversary of the OPTILAB system | No lab? No hospital! - APTS


5th anniversary of the OPTILAB system | No lab? No hospital!

Bill 28 to end the public health emergency | A frontal attack on workers’ rights - APTS


Bill 28 to end the public health emergency | A frontal attack on workers’ rights

“COVID premiums” for another month: still on the rollercoaster with no permanent solutions in sight - APTS


“COVID premiums” for another month: still on the rollercoaster with no permanent solutions in sight

Health care reform: cooperation required to rebuild the system - APTS


Health care reform: cooperation required to rebuild the system

2022 Québec budget: Half measures to attract and retain personnel - APTS


2022 Québec budget: Half measures to attract and retain personnel

COVID premium | The APTS demands fair treatment for its members - APTS


COVID premium | The APTS demands fair treatment for its members

More delays from the government in paying what health and social services workers are owed | Women to pay the price – again - APTS


More delays from the government in paying what health and social services workers are owed | Women to pay the price – again

Job title: biomedical engineering technical coordinator | The APTS gets a favourable ruling from the arbitrator - APTS


Job title: biomedical engineering technical coordinator | The APTS gets a favourable ruling from the arbitrator

Changes to the Youth Protection Act | The government’s obligation is to make the Act effective - APTS


Changes to the Youth Protection Act | The government’s obligation is to make the Act effective

Pre-budget consultations | Innovative APTS proposal to improve the health and social services system - APTS


Pre-budget consultations | Innovative APTS proposal to improve the health and social services system

Inter-ministerial action plan for mental health | Investments are welcome but may be insufficient - APTS


Inter-ministerial action plan for mental health | Investments are welcome but may be insufficient

Public-sector contract talks | APTS signs its new collective agreement - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | APTS signs its new collective agreement

Coroner’s inquiry into CHSLD deaths | The APTS presents its final recommendations - APTS


Coroner’s inquiry into CHSLD deaths | The APTS presents its final recommendations

Government’s greater openness is welcomed by coalition of health and social service unions - APTS


Government’s greater openness is welcomed by coalition of health and social service unions

Keeping employees at work when they test positive for COVID-19 but have no symptoms | Risk management approach likely to harm vulnerable people, as well as professionals and technicians - APTS


Keeping employees at work when they test positive for COVID-19 but have no symptoms | Risk management approach likely to harm vulnerable people, as well as professionals and technicians

Contract talks | Agreement in principle is ratified by 55.3% of APTS members - APTS


Contract talks | Agreement in principle is ratified by 55.3% of APTS members

Bill 15: An Act to amend the Youth Protection Act and other legislative provisions | APTS will act as a watchdog for the Laurent Commission’s “recommendactions” - APTS


Bill 15: An Act to amend the Youth Protection Act and other legislative provisions | APTS will act as a watchdog for the Laurent Commission’s “recommendactions”

Contract talks | Agreement in principle approved by over 81% of APTS General Council delegates who encourage union members to adopt it in general assemblies - APTS


Contract talks | Agreement in principle approved by over 81% of APTS General Council delegates who encourage union members to adopt it in general assemblies

Contract talks | APTS delegates to consider an agreement in principle at a General Council - APTS


Contract talks | APTS delegates to consider an agreement in principle at a General Council

Recommendations in the Ombudsperson’s final report meet with highly favourable response from the APTS - APTS


Recommendations in the Ombudsperson’s final report meet with highly favourable response from the APTS

Implementing the Laurent Report | APTS calls on MNAs to act now - APTS


Implementing the Laurent Report | APTS calls on MNAs to act now

Robert Comeau elected president at the APTS Convention - APTS


Robert Comeau elected president at the APTS Convention

Contract talks | Exasperated APTS delegates stop their Convention to demonstrate - APTS


Contract talks | Exasperated APTS delegates stop their Convention to demonstrate

APTS participates in hearings on CHSLD deaths during the first wave of the pandemic - APTS


APTS participates in hearings on CHSLD deaths during the first wave of the pandemic

Contract talks | Exasperated by slow-paced talks, the APTS occupies a government building - APTS


Contract talks | Exasperated by slow-paced talks, the APTS occupies a government building

Public-sector contract talks | The APTS is losing patience - APTS


Public-sector contract talks | The APTS is losing patience

Contract talks will resume for the APTS - APTS


Contract talks will resume for the APTS

Reform of the Occupational Health and Safety Act | The APTS rejects Bill 59 - APTS


Reform of the Occupational Health and Safety Act | The APTS rejects Bill 59

Labour shortage in health and social services | The APTS suspends the process of consulting its members about the renewal of their collective agreement - APTS


Labour shortage in health and social services | The APTS suspends the process of consulting its members about the renewal of their collective agreement

Labour shortage in the health system | The APTS takes part in estates-general on the future of clinical labs - APTS


Labour shortage in the health system | The APTS takes part in estates-general on the future of clinical labs

Youth protection assessment: another year marked by work overload - APTS


Youth protection assessment: another year marked by work overload

Medical imaging personnel gear up for action in the face of Legault’s deafening silence - APTS


Medical imaging personnel gear up for action in the face of Legault’s deafening silence

Mandatory vaccination | Breaks in services? The Legault government doesn’t have a plan - APTS


Mandatory vaccination | Breaks in services? The Legault government doesn’t have a plan

Mandatory vaccination | When the best is the enemy of the good - APTS


Mandatory vaccination | When the best is the enemy of the good

Federal election campaign | The APTS wants political parties to make clear commitments on its priorities - APTS


Federal election campaign | The APTS wants political parties to make clear commitments on its priorities

$1,000 premium for some youth workers | The APTS denounces the government for using the public health emergency as a tool to cope with insufficient numbers of youth protection workers - APTS


$1,000 premium for some youth workers | The APTS denounces the government for using the public health emergency as a tool to cope with insufficient numbers of youth protection workers

Contract talks | APTS members will be presented the government’s global offer - APTS


Contract talks | APTS members will be presented the government’s global offer

APTS pay equity complaints from 2010 are finally settled after a 10-year battle to have the government comply with the law - APTS


APTS pay equity complaints from 2010 are finally settled after a 10-year battle to have the government comply with the law

APTS calls on government to lift the public health emergency - APTS


APTS calls on government to lift the public health emergency

Contract talks | APTS will submit proposed deal to its General Council - APTS


Contract talks | APTS will submit proposed deal to its General Council

Contract talks | The APTS steps up the pressure with two more strike days - APTS


Contract talks | The APTS steps up the pressure with two more strike days

Contract talks | The APTS launches a general strike to defend accessible, high-quality health care and social services - APTS


Contract talks | The APTS launches a general strike to defend accessible, high-quality health care and social services

Contract talks | 60,000 APTS members to carry out a general strike on June 7, 8, 21 and 22 - APTS


Contract talks | 60,000 APTS members to carry out a general strike on June 7, 8, 21 and 22

Shortage of lab personnel with a post-secondary diploma | Lab results may not be reliable - APTS


Shortage of lab personnel with a post-secondary diploma | Lab results may not be reliable

The Laurent Commission | The APTS calls on Legault to act without delay to support children and families - APTS


The Laurent Commission | The APTS calls on Legault to act without delay to support children and families

COVID-19 | Québec must recognize the value of the work carried out by lab personnel - APTS


COVID-19 | Québec must recognize the value of the work carried out by lab personnel

2021 Québec budget | Nothing to improve working conditions  for professionals and technicians battling COVID for the past year - APTS


2021 Québec budget | Nothing to improve working conditions for professionals and technicians battling COVID for the past year

Documentary on Québec’s youth protection system | The other side of the coin - APTS


Documentary on Québec’s youth protection system | The other side of the coin

The APTS offers its cooperation to Québec’s new provincial youth protection director - APTS


The APTS offers its cooperation to Québec’s new provincial youth protection director

Brutal rent increase in residential facilities | "Penalizing vulnerable people – how is that a good strategy?” - APTS


Brutal rent increase in residential facilities | "Penalizing vulnerable people – how is that a good strategy?”

Private sector contracts for medical imaging | The Legault government is hypocritical - APTS


Private sector contracts for medical imaging | The Legault government is hypocritical

Death of youth protection workers | The APTS has no words to describe the grief - APTS


Death of youth protection workers | The APTS has no words to describe the grief

Pandemic shows that privatizing mental health services has been a failure - APTS


Pandemic shows that privatizing mental health services has been a failure

Aerosols | Minister Dubé’s inconsistency continues to jeopardize workers’ health - APTS


Aerosols | Minister Dubé’s inconsistency continues to jeopardize workers’ health

APTS initiates mediation to obtain a negotiated settlement - APTS


APTS initiates mediation to obtain a negotiated settlement

A knife in the back for public sector psychologists - APTS


A knife in the back for public sector psychologists

Youth Protection | Commission’s findings and orientations call for immediate and concrete action on the part of the Legault government - APTS


Youth Protection | Commission’s findings and orientations call for immediate and concrete action on the part of the Legault government

Dangerous increase in wage gap between APTS members and Québec employees as a whole - APTS


Dangerous increase in wage gap between APTS members and Québec employees as a whole

Mental health | APTS to Minister Carmant: sustained investment is needed to save the public system - APTS


Mental health | APTS to Minister Carmant: sustained investment is needed to save the public system

The APTS welcomes new funding for youth mental health - APTS


The APTS welcomes new funding for youth mental health

The Laurent Commission - Now is the time for the Legault government to commit to implementing the commission’s guidelines - APTS


The Laurent Commission - Now is the time for the Legault government to commit to implementing the commission’s guidelines

Youth protection 2020 annual report | We can be “stronger, together” only if urgent need to end work overload is addressed - APTS


Youth protection 2020 annual report | We can be “stronger, together” only if urgent need to end work overload is addressed

COVID-19 | APTS responds to government action plan to tackle second wave - APTS


COVID-19 | APTS responds to government action plan to tackle second wave

CISSS Montérégie-Ouest professionals and technicians call for services to be maintained at Hôpital du Suroît’s mother-child centre - APTS


CISSS Montérégie-Ouest professionals and technicians call for services to be maintained at Hôpital du Suroît’s mother-child centre

COVID 19 | APTS denounces poor management of the pandemic at the Résidence Angelica - APTS


COVID 19 | APTS denounces poor management of the pandemic at the Résidence Angelica

The APTS presents its brief: Children at the heart of our priorities - APTS


The APTS presents its brief: Children at the heart of our priorities

COVID-19 | Conference call with Minister McCann - APTS


COVID-19 | Conference call with Minister McCann

COVID-19 | Code of silence in the health and social services system - Action is needed from Minister McCann - APTS


COVID-19 | Code of silence in the health and social services system - Action is needed from Minister McCann

COVID-19 | Red carpet treatment for medical specialists, while health and social services professionals and technicians are thrown a few crumbs - APTS


COVID-19 | Red carpet treatment for medical specialists, while health and social services professionals and technicians are thrown a few crumbs

COVID-19 | APTS calls on Minister McCann to guarantee access to protective equipment  for members being sent into CHSLDs - APTS


COVID-19 | APTS calls on Minister McCann to guarantee access to protective equipment  for members being sent into CHSLDs

COVID-19 | Hazard premiums during the pandemic: a first step that needs to be followed by another - APTS


COVID-19 | Hazard premiums during the pandemic: a first step that needs to be followed by another

COVID-19 | APTS sends SOS to Legault government - APTS


COVID-19 | APTS sends SOS to Legault government

COVID-19 | Will someone have to die before measures are taken to ensure the safety of our members? - APTS


COVID-19 | Will someone have to die before measures are taken to ensure the safety of our members?

COVID-19 | The APTS-FIQ alliance will be right there to negotiate all measures - APTS


COVID-19 | The APTS-FIQ alliance will be right there to negotiate all measures

COVID-19 | The health and safety of all Québecers is the labour unions' priority - APTS


COVID-19 | The health and safety of all Québecers is the labour unions' priority

Investments in the Douglas Institute: all funds earmarked for buildings made of concrete, none for personnel - APTS


Investments in the Douglas Institute: all funds earmarked for buildings made of concrete, none for personnel

Illegitimate suspension of local APTS union president - Unacceptable! - APTS


Illegitimate suspension of local APTS union president - Unacceptable!

A united Québec front demands that Ottawa implement a public, universal pharmacare plan - APTS


A united Québec front demands that Ottawa implement a public, universal pharmacare plan

Much needs to be done to improve youth protection services in Montréal, according to the APTS - APTS


Much needs to be done to improve youth protection services in Montréal, according to the APTS

APTS opposes the kind of “continuity” chosen by interim director of the Montréal West Island IUHSSC - APTS


APTS opposes the kind of “continuity” chosen by interim director of the Montréal West Island IUHSSC

2018-2019 budget in health and social services: reinvestment is welcome but targets are unclear - APTS


2018-2019 budget in health and social services: reinvestment is welcome but targets are unclear

"Hello? Anybody there?" The APTS amps up its members’ voice - APTS


"Hello? Anybody there?" The APTS amps up its members’ voice