C O L L E C T I V E  A G R E E M E N T  2023-2028 >>>

Current issues

Information about key issues affecting your professional life.



BlueAPTS reflects the vibrant humanity of the 60,000 APTS professionals and technicians working in health and social services. Our online magazine is a great way to discover our members’ reality.

Are you ever going to help me?

Are you ever going to help me?

It’s been a year and a half since the Laurent Commission report was tabled and we still haven't seen any improvement in conditions of practice at youth centres. Waiting lists are getting longer, wait times are interminable, and working conditions remain gruelling. Overwhelmed by crushing workloads, youth workers in youth protection and rehabilitation centres are sending distress call: "Are you ever going to help me?"

12 Days of Action to End Violence Against Women

12 Days of Action to End Violence Against Women

The United Nations General Assembly has declared November 25 to be the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and a call has been made for governments and organizations to take action in order to raise public awareness of this social evil that puts women’s lives, safety, and hopes for equality at risk. The campaign in Québec will reach its peak on December 6, National Day of Remembrance and Action to End Violence Against Women, commemorating the femicides carried out at Montréal’s École Polytechnique in 1989 and the death of 14 young women.

A strong union for a strong public system

A strong union for a strong public system

We’re excited to begin the next stage of our political campaign on the theme A strong union for a strong public system. The APTS is calling on elected representatives and senior managers of health and social service institutions to design bold policies that will provide Quebecers with public services that are accessible, inclusive, and based on equality.

2020 pay equity audit

2020 pay equity audit

The APTS has developed a set of FAQs as a tool to help you navigate the 2020 pay equity audit, covering the period from December 21, 2015 to December 20, 2020.

Expanding professional practices

Expanding professional practices

Expanding the scope of professional practices is one of the pillars of the Legault government’s health care reform plan, the Plan santé. It is being presented as one of the main solutions for addressing the labour shortage, and extensive work is currently being done on this issue. This could result in a major transformation of the organization of work in your workplace.

The future of labs

The future of labs