The APTS has taken a new step in negotiating your next collective agreement by filing its sectoral demands with the CPNSSS. At the heart of these demands is more time for you, premiums that better reflect your reality as a professional or technician, genuine recognition of overtime, and better measures to support your professional development.
For demands about pay, parental rights, retirement, regional disparities or group insurance, click here or go to frontcommun.org.
Demand #1 | Annual vacation
Add an extra week of annual vacation leave after one year of service, and adjust clause 23.03 to take these additional five days into account.
Demand #2 | Night-shift and other premiums
Increase the evening-shift and weekend premiums to 8%, and the night-shift premium to:
• 12% for employees with more than 0 and less than 5 years of seniority;
• 14% for employees with 5 years or more, but less than 10 years of seniority;
• 16% for employees with 10 or more years of seniority.
Demand #3 | Statutory holidays
That employees who work on a statutory holiday be paid double their basic pay and be granted compensatory time off as well.
Demand #4 | On-call duty
That an employee on on-call duty at home may benefit from the same rules as an employee on internal callback.
Demand #5 | On-call duty
Increase the premium from one hour to two hours at straight-time rates for employees on on-call duty, regardless of the location where the person is on call.
Demand #6 | Overtime
Change the rules applying to overtime so that they are the same for everyone, and pay for overtime at the double-time rate.
Demand #7 | Overtime
Ensure that the employer recognizes indirect, clerical and/or administrative overtime on the same basis as clinical overtime spent with a service user.
Demand #8 | Family leave
Convert five of the ten days off for family responsibilities into paid days off, and broaden the criteria for using these days.
Demand #9 | Joint committee
Set up a joint committee to study and address professional issues for the various job titles in our collective agreement.
Demand #10 | Professional development
Provide a yearly amount for each employee’s professional development that would allow the person to cover various costs, such as
licensing fees for professional orders and associations;
all forms of training relating to the profession;
training given by professional orders and associations;
professional conferences.
Demand #11 | Professional development
If the employer doesn’t use all of the money allotted to the development of professional practice over a given year, the remaining amount is carried over to the following year.
Demand #12 | Travel expenses
1. Review the formula on which the travel allowance is based in order to make up for the shortfall caused by high gas prices.
2. In clause 33.01 on automobile expenses, increase the maximum number of kilometres compensated at a higher rate to 12,000 km.
3. Provide a minimum allowance for each day on which the use of a personal vehicle is authorized.
4. When employees are authorized to use their personal vehicle, reimburse them for their business insurance premium.
5. Add that an employer cannot oblige employees to use their personal vehicle unless they are required to do so as part of their duties.
Demand #13 | Meal allowances
Every year on April 1, increase the meal allowance provided when an employee is travelling by an amount equal to the increase in the cost of living.
Demand #14 | Integration of recommendations from inter-round committees
Eventually, add to the list of APTS demands the recommendations put forward by the following inter-round committees:
- Working committee on the Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (RREGOP) – Letter of Agreement No. 14 (final report on September 30, 2022)
- Working committee on parental rights – Letter of Agreement No. 21 (final report on September 30, 2022)
- Provincial committee on workload – Letter of Agreement No. 5 (final report on local projects on September 30, 2022; final report in September 2023, twelve months after the committee was set up)
- Provincial inter-union committee to review the procedure for modifying the List of job titles – Letter of Agreement No. 22 (final report on June 31, 2022)
- Provincial working committee – Provincial responsibility and follow-up – Youth centres – Letter of Agreement No. 24 (final report on December 31, 2022)
- Provincial working committee to update and modernize the collective agreement – Letter of Agreement No. 2 (to end no later than April 2023, twelve months after the committee was set up)
- Provincial working committee on employees working in certain territories facing acute problems of workforce availability – Letter of Agreement No. 26 (final report on June 30, 2023)
- Forum on employees’ overall health – Letter of Agreement No. 27 (final report on September 30, 2023)
Demand #15 | Premiums, etc., to be maintained
That any premium, allowance, or increase, or any other amount or budget ending on March 30 or September 30, 2023, be maintained until the next collective agreement comes into force.
Demand #16 | Incorporation of gains
Automatically incorporate any higher gains or benefits (with a monetary impact) that have been or might be included in other collective agreements in the public and parapublic sectors.
Demand #17 | Critical care
Modify the critical care/enhanced critical care premium so that it is adapted to the reality of Class 4 employees by ensuring that any employee working with critical care clients can receive the premium according to the number of hours worked with such clients.
Demand #18 | RREGOP (Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan)
That all premiums be considered in calculating RREGOP benefits.
Demand #19 | Psychiatry premium
Add the following activity centres to the list of activity centres covered by clause 37.07b:
• 6430 – Supervision in non-institutional resources
• 592250 – Crisis centre
• 5550 – Follow-up with service users in non-institutional resources
so that they can benefit from the psychiatry premium.