Current issues
Information about key issues affecting your professional life.

Dare to do it
Let’s face it: our health and social services system is not in good shape. But we at the APTS believe that there is nothing inevitable about this situation. In fact, we think that a strong public system providing high-quality services is entirely possible: all we need to do is make it an undisputed priority and give it appropriate funding. Discover how!

Work overload is a major problem that tends to get worse with each new reform of the health and social services system. The APTS has developed a series of factsheets providing a deeper understanding its various aspects Stay tuned – we’ll be putting them online over the next weeks.

Expanding professional practices
Expanding the scope of professional practices is one of the pillars of the Legault government’s health care reform plan, the Plan santé. It is being presented as one of the main solutions for addressing the labour shortage, and extensive work is currently being done on this issue. This could result in a major transformation of the organization of work in your workplace.

March 8
The clock is broken. Time moves forward, but our hard-won rights can slip back. Each falling grain of sand reminds us: we cannot afford to stand still. The far right is gaining ground, and the road ahead is uncertain.
On March 8th, we rise. With our fists in the air, we declare our refusal to back down. That raised fist symbolizes our collective strength. The Venus symbol in the palm of our hands stands for our freedom: our freedom to choose what we do with our bodies and our lives.

Our videos
Find out what the APTS is doing to defend your rights.
Our services
A portrait of our members
Our union represents 65,000 technicians and professionals working in the health and social services system. In more than a hundred different job titles, our members provide a wide range of services including diagnostic, rehabilitation, psychosocial intervention, clinical support, and prevention services. Here are the three major activity sectors where you might meet them:
Find your union office
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