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The MSSS intends to abolish the graduate medical laboratory technician job title

April 24 2023

The MSSS intends to abolish the graduate medical laboratory technician job title - APTS

Unions representing health and social service system employees were informed on April 11 that the employer plans to abolish the graduate medical laboratory technician job title (2224). It’s important to know that according to information received so far from the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS), this decision will have no impact on anyone currently holding a position with this job title, since the employer intends to proceed through attrition. However, if the Ministry’s decision is maintained, only medical technologist positions (2223) will be posted, and the 2224 job title will eventually disappear. The main difference between the two job titles is the requirement for membership in a professional order.

Citing the shortage of specialized workers in blood banks and the health and social service system’s test centres, the Ministry wants to force people currently without a position, and future biomedical laboratory technology graduates, to apply for medical technologist positions. Membership in the Ordre professionnel des technologistes médicaux du Québec will be mandatory, although these employees will not be required, as part of their duties, to perform acts reserved for those professionals.

Representatives of the inter-union coalition for the health and social service sector are currently analyzing the notice sent by the CPNSSS (the management bargaining committee for the health and social service sector) to explain that it intends to abolish the job title. The notice was sent in compliance with the procedure for modifying the List of job titles, job descriptions, and salary rates and scales set out in our respective collective agreements.
Unions have 90 days to develop and send their response.


Source: APTS, CSQ, FSSS-CSN, FIQ, SCFP, Fédération des professionnèles, SQEES-FTQ, FSQ.