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OHS week | Don’t jeopardize your health – make a report!

October 16, 2023

OHS week | Don’t jeopardize your health – make a report! - APTS

APTS members play a key role in our health and social services system, and too often, their physical and psychological health is jeopardized when they go to work. CNESST data collected by the ASSTSAS show that there is reason for concern: the health and social services sector includes slightly less than 10% of Québec’s workplaces, and yet it accounts for 49.9% of the injuries recognized by the CNESST throughout the province. Work overload, physical and verbal violence, repetitive movements causing pain, non-ergonomic work environments, etc. – the list of risk situations to which APTS members are exposed is long and worrisome.

Under the Act respecting occupational health and safety, your employer is obliged to provide a safe and healthy work environment by taking the measures required to protect workers’ health and ensure their safety and their physical and mental well-being. In addition, since the interim plan set out in the Act to modernize the occupational health and safety regime came into force in 2022, all workplaces with twenty or more workers have been required to set up prevention and participation mechanisms that include an explicit obligation, for employers, to identify risks in all of their workplaces.

2023 Occupational Health and Safety Week | October 15 to 22

Our APTS provincial OHS committee is actively involved in promoting prevention during the 2023 Occupational Health and Safety Week. Its message for you is that you can play a key role in making sure your physical and psychological health is no longer in jeopardy when you go to work. What you need to do is make a report!

Make a report, individually or as a group, to make sure your employer takes action to solve the problem, to make sure data is collected, and to document the risks associated with your workplace. Make a report to help your institution’s joint health and safety committee identify risks so that it can target them more effectively and give them priority. Make a report so that a greater number of work-related injuries and occupational diseases are recognized and compensated by the CNESST.

Stop jeopardizing your health – make a report!

Joël Bélanger, APTS vice-president and political officer responsible for the OHS sector


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