C O L L E C T I V E  A G R E E M E N T  2023-2028 >>>

Front commun activists arrested by the SQ and charged with mischief at a demonstration at a CAQ riding office

November 24 2023

Front commun activists arrested by the SQ and charged with mischief at a demonstration at a CAQ riding office - APTS

Montréal – The Front commun questions the motives that led the CAQ (Coalition Avenir Québec) to file complaints with the major crimes division of the Sûreté du Québec following demonstrations on November 14 at the riding offices of various MNAs and ministers, including the office of Pierre Fitzgibbon, minister of the Economy, Innovation and Energy.

According to the Front commun’s information, François Legault’s government has apparently also filed other complaints with police departments following recent demonstrations. Conditions imposed on those arrested include a mention in the promise to appear that the persons charged are specifically forbidden to present themselves in the riding offices of CAQ MNAs. Here, we are witnessing an attempt at political intimidation – a first in the history of public-sector contract talks in modern times.

The government needs to get its act together and focus on putting its negotiating energy where it belongs: at the bargaining tables. It is clear that the CAQ government is not supported by Quebecers and is looking for a lifeline to restore its image, but attacking workers in this way is not likely to attract public sympathy. To achieve that, the government needs to come up with genuine and substantial improvements to both wages and conditions of work and practice in public services.

The Front commun

Together, the CSN, CSQ, FTQ and APTS represent over 420,000 public-sector workers who are employed by the Québec government in schools, health and social services, and higher education.

For more information about current contract talks: frontcommun.org.