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Bill 89 | An essential right under threat: the APTS denounces a blow to workers’ rights

February 19, 2025

Bill 89 | An essential right under threat: the APTS denounces a blow to workers’ rights - APTS

Longueuil – The APTS (Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux) strongly condemns the Québec government’s intention to restrict the right to strike. In tabling Bill 89, labour minister Jean Boulet is creating a new breach in workers’ rights that will continue to erode their strength in negotiations, to the benefit of their employers.

The government claims that it wants to protect the well-being of the population in the event of a strike or lock-out, and to ensure Quebecers’ “social, economic and environmental security”. In fact, the government – which is both employer and legislator – is granting itself new powers to curb legitimate and necessary popular movements.

“Lack of social, economic and environmental security is exactly why workers need to be able to go on strike,” said APTS president Robert Comeau. “If the labour minister takes it on himself to restrict this right by decree, he will be doing nothing to benefit either workers, who keep the economy running and are carrying the full weight of public services on their shoulders, or Quebecers, who need these services.”

According to the APTS, a balance between workers and employers is essential to maintaining social peace and labour relations based on justice. In weakening the right to strike, Bill 89 threatens to tip the balance in the employers’ favour, making it even more difficult for workers to defend their working conditions.

The APTS also notes that the government’s purpose is highly obvious: it wants to deflect attention from its own failure to become an employer of choice by targeting its employees. Strike action is never the first choice for workers – it is always a last resort when there is no other way for them to improve or preserve their working conditions.

“So the government is worried about Quebecers’ well-being when there’s a strike, but not when massive cuts are made to public systems? People aren’t that easily fooled,” argues Robert Comeau. “The Legault government is trying to make workers bear responsibility for its broken promises. Instead of tackling issues of access to health and social services and quality of care, instead of fixing our public services and making Quebecers’ lives better in real ways, the CAQ is choosing to restrict a fundamental right.”

The APTS will study the bill closely and make recommendations to MNAs. If the National Assembly passes a law that violates rights guaranteed by the Québec and Canadian charters of rights and freedoms, the union may take the matter to court.


The APTS (Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux) represents more than 65,000 members who play a key role in ensuring that health and social services institutions run smoothly. Our members provide a wide range of services for all Quebecers, including diagnostic, rehabilitation, nutrition, psychosocial intervention, clinical support, and prevention services.