C O L L E C T I V E  A G R E E M E N T  2023-2028 >>>

March 8 - APTS

Rising up! 

Fires are rising inside, outside, and everywhere. Inequality is everywhere. Violence is everywhere. Crises are everywhere. The climate crisis, the housing crisis, the crisis of our public services, the crisis of trust in our systems. Our systems are failing, outdated, and exhausted. We, too, are close to a breaking point. We are angry. Sometimes we are afraid. Yes, our fire could be extinguished, suppressed by our pain and our tears. But no. It is flaming, scorching, spreading. It is feeding off the struggles of some and the indignation of others. It is rising, seething, roaring. It will explode. It is already exploding, this fire that can heal us, that can unite us. This fire that can change everything.

The Collectif 8 mars brings together labour unions and feminist organizations representing nearly 800,000 women in Québec. It works to promote International Women’s Rights Day.


Do you want to show your solidarity with women?

We encourage you to use the following visuals in your communications and social media posts from now until March 8.

TO SHARE, click on these images

Facebook banner

  Rising up facebook banner

Instagram/Facebook post 

Rising up post

Email signature

Rising up email signature

Virtual background for videoconferencing

 Rising up virtual background


 Rising up poster

NOTE: All the communications materials are the property of the Collectif 8 mars. Its member organizations and affiliates reserve the right to reproduce them. If you are not a member or affiliate, you must obtain permission to reproduce these materials in whole or in part. Reproduction of any of the materials by political parties is strictly forbidden. Any authorized reproduction of the materials must include the following copyright acknowledgement: “Collectif 8 mars. Belvédère coop. Illustration: Marianne Chevalier; silkscreen artist: Natalie-Ann Roy. The illustration may not be revised or modified without the prior written consent of the Collectif 8 mars”

Visuals for 2023 campaign